More witnesses say there was pressure to use Nova Scotia tragedy for political gain

More witnesses say there was pressure to use Nova Scotia tragedy for political gain

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Ottawa, ON — Raquel Dancho, Conservative Shadow Minister for Public Safety, Dane Lloyd, Conservative Shadow Minister for Emergency Preparedness, and Pierre Paul-Hus, Conservative Shadow Minister for Public Services and Procurement, released the following statement after more evidence was heard in the Mass Casualty Commission (MCC) about interference and political pressure from the Liberal government:

“Given the testimony from four senior RCMP officials, it is clear Commissioner Lucki was under orders to release sensitive information about the Nova Scotia mass killings that could have jeopardized the ongoing investigation. It is also clear that the pressure came right from the top, from the offices of the Prime Minister and Minister Bill Blair.

“All accounts suggest the Commissioner was angry, emotional, and appeared to be acting out in desperation to appease her political bosses. This was no doubt the reaction of someone who was being placed under immense pressure and may have even feared for her job.

“We know the Prime Minister has bullied people to do his bidding before, however unethical. Former Attorney General of Canada, Jody Wilson-Raybould, was pressured to interfere in the SNC-Lavalin scandal. She refused, and the Prime Minister fired her. The consequence of saying ‘no’ and speaking truth to this Prime Minister couldn’t have been lost on Commissioner Lucki – the stronger the backbone, the shorter the career for women.

“The Liberal government has denied, blocked, and blamed others. We also know the Department of Justice withheld critical evidence from the inquiry that implicates the Liberal government in this scandal. Then Liberal members at the committee investigation into the Nova Scotia mass killing flatly blocked a motion to have the Prime Minister’s office appear. A pattern is clearly forming.

“Canadians deserve answers. The Liberals must fully participate in this investigation without delays or games. We need to hear from all involved, right up to the Prime Minister’s Office. Anything less is a cover-up.”

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