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Associate Shadow Minister for Agriculture


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Common Sense Conservatives are going to put forward a non-confidence motion at the earliest opportunity.

Will the NDP and Sellout Singh commit to voting non-confidence in Justin Trudeau, so Canadians can have the Carbon Tax election they are asking for?


Common Sense Conservatives are going to put forward a non-confidence motion at the earliest opportunity.

Will the NDP and Sellout Singh commit to voting non-confidence in Justin Trudeau, so Canadians can have the Carbon Tax election they are asking for?

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The NDP should all go together and throw him out of the party.

That Tenet Russian media scandal has you guys spooked, by the sound of it.


13 hours ago
23 years ago, on September 11th, the whole world was darkened by the horrific acts of terrorism that killed thousands of innocent people.

Today we remember those who lost their lives and stand with our American friends, families and neighbors.


23 years ago, on September 11th, the whole world was darkened by the horrific acts of terrorism that killed thousands of innocent people.

Today we remember those who lost their lives and stand with our American friends, families and neighbors.

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So very sad So very sad a vi­­­­deo of the inci­­­­dent rb.gy/97m0lu

Breaking news ...!! Can't bear to watch this video rb.gy/1tzb8g

Trudeau's soon-to-be successor, Carbon Tax Carney, works for the multinational billionaires’ club, yet he still believes in quadrupling the carbon tax on your gas, heating, and groceries.

Trudeau and Carbon Tax Carney are NOT worth the cost: www.conservative.ca/cpc/not-worth-the-cost/
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I'm completely agree with you again Mr Steinley. I don't understand why an international organisation decided, 4 years ago, that the combustion of petroleum products and gas was an environment problem and the solution was to stop to use these products. Today, we know that the recherch and development, higher technologies and SCIENCES can be used to resolve any environment problem.

Warren Steinley; how can Carney become Trudeau’s successor, when he’s never been elected by ANY Canadian into ANY political role? Does Mark Carney have any involvement with Trudeau’s personal financial gains, over the past 9 years? Given Carney’s inside knowledge of investment management, and his close relationship with Trudeau; could there be any possibility that the two have exchanged information? And… can we agree that Carney has been hired by Trudeau to work against the population of Canada, in favour of those international elites who would see Canada become a desolate 3rd world nation?


After 9 years of out-of-control spending and tax increases, Justin Trudeau and his incompetent team are bringing forward a new task force led by Carbon tax Carney.  

It is the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

A Common Sense Conservatives Government led by @Pierre Poilievre will bring home stronger paycheques, safer streets, and hope for all Canadians.


After 9 years of out-of-control spending and tax increases, Justin Trudeau and his incompetent team are bringing forward a new task force led by Carbon tax Carney.

It is the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

A Common Sense Conservatives Government led by @Pierre Poilievre will bring home stronger paycheques, safer streets, and hope for all Canadians.

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What will a common sense Conservative Government do for a middle aged, middle class, hardworking person with no kids and living on their own? This is the only group that never gets a kick back from any government, for anything. All we do is pay, pay, pay!!!

I'm completely agree with you again Mr Steinley about the carbon taxes and their utility.

How much is his consulting going to cost us? I want to see the contract!

How much is that going to cost us

What’s the matter Mark ,Can’t Trudeau do it himself ,are you telling us that Trudeau is not smart enough to do it ,and we have put up with that jerk for the last nine years ,and you tell now he should never have don’t ,He wasn’t smart enough to run a Country ,he needs help you are tell us ,now ,when we all ready new ,he is not a smart man ,but the we had the NDP to proper him up for the last five years ,thank for nothing ,you want to put us threw another four years ,what a shame ,so he can stay in power ,you really don’t care about the Canadian people ,you really don’t care about the Canadian people

It always easy to spend taxpayers funds and not worry about results. The federal liberal governments excessive spending is doing very little or nothing for the average citizen.

Trudeau and his minions are liars and thieves and frauds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The day can't comesoon enough that this circus is history and can't waste our money anymore. #TrudeauMustGo #resigntrudeau #ElectionNow #Pierre4PM

Boy I can just imagine what a deal the J.A. Justin has made here Canadian taxpayer hang onto your wallet and pray 🙏

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Canadian Trucking Alliance just revealed that they would be paying just under $2 billion in carbon taxes in 2024!

Still, surprised why everything is so expensive under Trudeaus watch?

Canadian Trucking Alliance


Canadian Trucking Alliance just revealed that they would be paying just under $2 billion in carbon taxes in 2024!

Still, surprised why everything is so expensive under Trudeau's watch?

Canadian Trucking Alliance

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Trucking companies are also charging the owner operators.

Thx to turdo

Justin Trudeau & Sellout Singh have broken the deal with Canadians.

Pierre Poilievre and Common Sense Conservatives will bring back powerful paycheques for Canadian families. We will continue to fight to:

🪓 Axe the Tax
🏡 Build the Homes
💵 Fix the Budget
🛑 Stop the Crime

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Why do you like to disrespect MPs? Name calling is insulting to all MPs. Including, yourself.


How? All you guys have done is campaign and regurgitate Russian talking points. You don't want kids having lunch, people going to the dentist, affordable daycare. All you want is to cut taxes for billionaires.

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