Experts Agree: Liberal mandates and testing requirements lead to long delays at airports

Experts Agree: Liberal mandates and testing requirements lead to long delays at airports

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Ottawa, ON – Melissa Lantsman, Conservative Shadow Minister for Transport and Michelle Ferreri, Conservative Shadow Minister for Tourism, released the following statement after expert testimony at the House of Commons Transportation and Infrastructure Standing committee confirmed Liberal mandates and testing are fueling delays at airports across Canada:

“Just days after the Liberal Minister of Transport blamed ‘out of practice’ travelers, expert testimony confirmed that the Liberal mandates and testing are behind the long lines and delays at airports across the country.

“As countries around the world are reducing red-tape and making it easier for citizens to travel, the Liberals continue to impose their outdated and unjustified mandates and testing that are leading to longer lines and a slower recovery.

“Expert after expert at committee called for the end of these ridiculous requirements. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce called for a ‘step back’ to improve regulations and become more competitive. The President of the Canadian Airports Council called for the removal of ‘legacy public health protocols, noting that the mandatory testing is leading to bottlenecks and hurting Canada’s competitiveness.

“Simply put, these requirements are stifling our hard-hit tourism industry, and are leading to long delays for Canadians just looking to travel after a long two years. As the Executive Director for the Northern Air Transport Association bluntly stated – it’s time for the Liberals to remove the restrictions and let the industry get back to work. Rather than blaming Canadians for their own failures, it’s time for the Liberals to take responsibility and end these mandates.

“Instead of blaming Canadian travelers, Conservatives will continue to follow the advice of experts and advocate for the government to immediately revert to pre-pandemic rules and service levels for travel. It’s time to get Canadians moving again.” 

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