
Trudeau’s infrastructure plan is failing Canadians

Trudeau’s infrastructure plan is failing Canadians

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Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Conservative Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Communities, and Luc Berthold, Conservative Shadow Minister for the Treasury Board, issued the following statement on the Auditor General’s report on the Liberal Infrastructure Plan:
“Today, the Auditor General’s report confirmed what Conservatives have been saying for years – Justin Trudeau’s infrastructure plan is failing Canadians.
“This devastating report from the Auditor General has determined that half of the funds the government has committed to infrastructure are actually the legacy funds of the previous Conservative government. They have put their name on someone else’s homework.
“This report also concludes that the Trudeau government does not have basic accountability measures in place to determine if their infrastructure plan is meeting its objectives, that billions of dollars are going unspent, and that Liberals are failing to quickly get funds to critical infrastructure projects. This combination of facts points to one thing – the Liberals are failing to properly manage their infrastructure plan.
“The fact is the Liberals have no idea if their infrastructure plan is even working. This is bad news for Canadians looking forward to new critical infrastructure projects for their communities. The billions in lost projects due to lapsed funds is bad news for workers who have missed out on three construction seasons. Instead of focusing on his failed Infrastructure Bank, Justin Trudeau should have ensured that his infrastructure program was running properly.
“The Liberals never back up their announcements with real action. Canada’s Conservatives are the only ones who can fix the infrastructure mess that Justin Trudeau has created. We will secure jobs by scrapping Justin Trudeau’s failed Infrastructure Bank and replacing it with a plan that actually gets shovels in the ground and people back to work.”


For more information:
Office of the Hon. Andrew Scheer, M.P.

Office of Luc Berthold, M.P.

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