Trudeau refuses to let travellers return to normal

Trudeau refuses to let travellers return to normal

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Ottawa, ON – Michael Barrett, Conservative Shadow Minister for Health, Melissa Lantsman, Conservative Shadow Minister for Transport, and Luc Berthold, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition and Québec Political Lieutenant, released the following statement on the Trudeau government reinstating mandatory random testing for fully vaccinated travellers:

“The Liberals just can’t stop hurting Canadian travellers and the tourism industry.

“Today, as Canada’s major airports are in chaos, the NDP-Liberal government is doubling down on the decision to impose additional pandemic theatre by forcing random testing on fully vaccinated travellers. Only now, to avoid the image of chaos at airports, travellers will face the additional inconvenience of being forced to travel offsite to get their tests. 

“It was only after months of hearing from public health experts and industry stakeholders that the Liberal government finally suspended many of its inexplicable health restrictions in the first place. Their ideologically driven refusal to follow the science and act sooner has had a devastating effect on Canada’s tourism sector, airports, and our international reputation.

“The Liberal government has never been able to explain the scientific justification for continuing most of their pandemic restrictions, and especially random testing of fully-vaccinated travellers. This latest move shows the government is more concerned with wedging, dividing, and stigmatizing Canadians than they are keeping them safe.

“Canadians are eager for a return to normal. Our hard-hit tourism sector is anxious for a return to normal. Overwhelmed and under-supported Canadian airports, already ranking among the worst in the world for service, are desperate for relief. More vindictive COVID theatre directed by Justin Trudeau will only serve to further discourage international travellers while also punishing Canadians enjoying their well-deserved travel plans without unnecessary obstacles.

“Conservatives will continue to be the common-sense voice of Canadians against the Liberal government’s unscientific decisions. Instead of introducing policies to address the issues facing Canadians, the Trudeau government is more interested in optics and headlines. It’s past time to stop undercutting Canada’s recovery for ideological bonus points and return to pre-pandemic travel rules.”

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