Trudeau government’s ‘just’ transition is anything but

Trudeau government’s ‘just’ transition is anything but

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Ottawa, ON — Stephanie Kusie, Conservative Shadow Minister for Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, and Greg Mclean, Conservative Shadow Minister for Natural Resources, issued the following statement on the Liberal government’s plan for a ‘just transition for Canada’s oil and gas sector’:

“Since 2015 this Liberal government has worked to destroy Canada’s oil and gas sector, resulting in tens of thousands of lost jobs across Canada.

“Today, the Standing Committee on Natural Resources will begin their study on ’Creating a Fair and Equitable Canadian Energy Transformation.’ While the Liberal government is intent on carrying out its commitment to ‘phase out’ our oil and gas sector, it is clear that a world without Canadian oil and gas will only penalize tens of thousands of hard-working Canadians; and rewards those who don’t care about human rights or their carbon footprint.

“These hardworking Canadian workers in the energy sector spent years supplying our nation with not only environmentally and socially responsible energy, but through taxes and generosity, they have funded billions of dollars in programs and community infrastructure.

“Now, when the world needs Canadian oil and gas more than ever, the Liberal government is moving forward with what they are calling a ‘Just Transition.’ Nothing is ‘just’ about it when it causes our allies to rely on energy sourced from dictators and human rights violators.

“Conservatives recognise the importance of Canada’s world-class oil and gas that the world wants and needs. Under Justin Trudeau, Canada will continue to sit on the sidelines and lose tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars to countries who do not share our values on the environment, human rights, or freedom.”   

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