The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives, issues statement on Orthodox Christmas

The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives, issues statement on Orthodox Christmas

Warren Steinley profile picture

JANUARY 6, 2020


OTTAWA, ON – The Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and the
Official Opposition, the Hon. Andrew Scheer, issued the following statement to
celebrate Orthodox Christmas:

“To those in the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic traditions
who follow the Julian calendar, Merry Christmas! Christmas is time to celebrate
the birth of Jesus and the hope and joy that Christ brings. It is a time for
family, friendship, giving, and gratitude.

“Each year, when Jill and I share the Christmas story with
our children, we remind them that in many countries Christians are persecuted
and that as Canadians, we are blessed to be able to celebrate Christmas without
fear. During this Christmas season, let us also keep in mind those who are less
fortunate, and those for whom the holidays may be difficult. I have had
countless opportunities to see so many examples of Canadians revealing the true
warmth of this country by volunteering their time and opening up their homes.
These acts of kindness make me so proud to call this beautiful country our
home, and these wonderful people our neighbours.

“During this time, we also thank the men and women of the
Canadian armed forces and first responders who are standing on guard for us,
far from home and family. Let us pray for them and keep them in our thoughts as
their hard work allows us to continue enjoying the blessings of this country
throughout the Christmas season.

“From my family to yours, we wish you a very Merry


For more information, please contact:

Julie Pham


The post The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives, issues statement on Orthodox Christmas appeared first on Canada's Official Opposition.

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