The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives, issues statement honouring the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives, issues statement honouring the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

Warren Steinley profile picture

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Ottawa, ON – The Leader of Canada’s Conservatives, the Honourable Andrew Scheer, issued the following statement to remember the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred:

“Today, Canadians of Ukrainian heritage, and our Ukrainian friends around the world, mark the sixth anniversary of a bloody crackdown on innocent Euromaidan protestors in the heart of Kyiv during the last days of the Revolution of Dignity. These brave men and women have become known as the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred (Небесна Сотня).

“For three months, thousands of Ukrainians occupied Kyiv’s main Independence Square and peacefully protested the corrupt regime of President Viktor Yanukovych, which in response, launched a violent crackdown that killed  over a hundred protesters. Every year, we pay tribute to the bravery of these Ukrainians who made the ultimate sacrifice for Ukraine’s democratic future. We salute their courage and patriotism in pursuit of building a truly independent and free country. Canada stands in solidarity with our allies who, like us, want to help Ukraine build a prosperous and safe country, full of opportunities for future generations.

“We must also remember and celebrate the courage of the Ukrainian men and women in uniform who, with support and training from the Canadian Armed Forces, continue to bravely defend their country from Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion of parts of Ukraine that followed the Revolution of Dignity.

“Canada’s Conservatives have always stood proudly with Ukraine and after the fall of communism, were the first government in the Western Hemisphere to recognize Ukraine’s independence. Since the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine, Conservatives have always been crystal clear: we will never recognize the Kremlin’s illegal attempt to annex Crimea, nor will we ever accept its occupation of the Donbas.

“Ukrainians can always count on Canada’s Conservatives to be their friend and ally who will continue to support Ukraine’s efforts to build a prosperous, strong, and free country.

“ Слава Україні! Героям слава!”


For more information, please contact:

Julie Pham

(613) 947-9932

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