The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, issues statement to mark Shavuot

The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, issues statement to mark Shavuot

Warren Steinley profile picture

May 28, 2019


OTTAWA, ON – The Honourable Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, issued the following statement to mark Shavuot:

“This evening at sundown, Jewish Canadians will join the community around the world to begin celebrating Shavuot.

“Shavuot marks when the Israelites received the Torah from God over three millennia ago and is celebrated fifty days after Passover. Traditionally, the Jewish community gathers with friends and family to learn from and contemplate the Law, the Torah and the commandments.

“Although gatherings will look differently this year due to the current pandemic, we hope that all those observing Shavuot will be able to do so in a safe and appropriate way. Canada is proud to be home to an active and dynamic Jewish community who have stepped up to help and support those in need during this uncertain time.

“On behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada, I wish all those celebrating a very blessed and meaningful Shavuot.

“Chag Sameach!”


For more information, please contact:

Julie Pham

(613) 947-9932

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