The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, issues statement to mark Passover

The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, issues statement to mark Passover

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April 8, 2020

OTTAWA, ON – The Hon. Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition, issued the following statement on Passover:

“This evening, Jewish families in Canada and around the world, will come together to mark the beginning of Passover.

“This eight-day holiday celebrates the Jewish people’s miraculous exodus from Egypt and their long-awaited liberation from years of slavery. This holiday is celebrated in many ways, one of which is through a traditional meal, called a Seder, that is rich in symbolism and ritual. Traditionally, this meal retells the story of Passover and ensures its importance is passed to the next Jewish generation.

“For many, Passover will look a little different this year. Due to the current pandemic, extended families and close friends will not be able to gather around the Seder table. I recognize that not being able to celebrate together, as one community, will be difficult. Despite this, my sincere hope is that all those celebrating Passover this year will be able to find meaning in this holiday, while reflecting on the many freedoms we enjoy as Canadians.

“On behalf of Canada’s Conservatives, I wish you, your family, and your community a happy Passover!

“Chag Pesach Kasher V’Sameach!”


For more information, please contact:

Julie Pham

(613) 947-9932

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