Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on Shavuot 

Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on Shavuot 

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Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Shavuot: 

“Thousands of years ago, at Mount Sinai, the people of Israel received the great gift of the Torah. Free at last after generations of oppression in Egypt, they gathered at the mountain to receive God’s law, which formed the cornerstone of the Israelite nation and has lived at the heart of Jewish teaching and theology for millennia. 

“During Shavuot, Jews celebrate this incredible gift and reflect on the ways that they have been continually inspired by the wisdom of God’s law. Shavuot also marks the conclusion of the Counting of the Omer – the seven-week period between Passover and Shavuot, one of reflection, growth, and anticipation. 

“Beginning this evening, Jews around the world will share in this ancient harvest festival, reading from the book of Ruth and studying the wisdom of the Torah to deepen their understanding of this incredible gift.  

“As members of the Jewish Canadian community gather in homes and synagogues, I offer my best wishes as you celebrate. I also invite all Canadians to reflect on how our country and our culture have been shaped by the incredible wealth of Jewish thought and philosophy passed down through the centuries. 

“Happy Shavuot. Chag Sameach!”  

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