Statement from Conservative Leader Candice Bergen on Shavuot

Statement from Conservative Leader Candice Bergen on Shavuot

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Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Candice Bergen, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Shavuot:

“After being delivered from oppression through the Exodus, the people of Israel gathered at Mount Sinai where God gave them His divine law – the Torah.

“This pivotal moment in Jewish history is still commemorated today in the festival of Shavuot. Starting tonight, Jews around the world will celebrate the gift of the Torah, while studying and meditating on the wisdom it holds.

“Shavuot is also an occasion to celebrate the other gifts that God has blessed us with over the past year. This festival has always been associated with a season of harvest and the beginning of summer. It serves as a time of gratitude, as we give thanks to God for all He has provided.

“On behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada, I’d like to wish Jews in Canada and around the world a time of peace as they reflect on the Torah and participate in the rich traditions associated with Shavuot.

“Happy Shavuot. Chag Sameach!”

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