Statement from Conservative Leader Candice Bergen on Jewish Heritage Month

Statement from Conservative Leader Candice Bergen on Jewish Heritage Month

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Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Candice Bergen, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Jewish Heritage Month:

“Throughout the month of May, I encourage all Canadians to celebrate the inspirational role Jewish Canadians have played in communities across Canada.

“Previously, this month was only recognized in Ontario, but became a national event thanks to the work of former Conservative Senator Linda Frum.

“Canada is blessed to be the home of nearly 400,000 Jewish people, who have used their skills and talents to help drive our country forward. Their incredible contributions in fields such as medicine, sports, technology, and the arts have improved the quality of life for Canadians and the entire world.

“Today we are reminded of the resilience and perseverance of the Jewish community, who have been the targets of racism and discrimination throughout history. Jewish people living in Canada continue to suffer from the evils of anti-Semitism, including harassment and the defacing of synagogues. 

“Canada must be a place where everyone can live and worship freely. Today, the Conservative Party of Canada recommits to fighting anti-Semitism wherever it exists. 

“I hope all Canadians will take time to learn about Jewish history and culture in Canada and celebrate the incredible achievements of Canada’s Jewish community.”

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