Statement by Ian Brodie, Chair, Leadership Election Organizing Committee

Statement by Ian Brodie, Chair, Leadership Election Organizing Committee

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Ottawa, ON – Statement by Ian Brodie, Chair of the Conservative Party of Canada Leadership Election Organizing Committee (LEOC):

Late today, we were notified that the Dispute Resolution Appeals Committee (DRAC) upheld the process that led LEOC to disqualify Mr. Brown.

“We thank the volunteer members of DRAC for their consideration, supported throughout by the legal expertise of independent counsel.  The rules of our race, which Mr. Brown accepted when he entered the race, are clear that decisions of LEOC and DRAC are final. 

“I know some members have raised questions about the fairness or appropriateness of LEOC’s actions. As I have already reported to members, we took extraordinary steps to urge the Brown campaign to come into compliance with our rules.  I hope members will read the DRAC decision and be reassured that the Committee acted on good information and that Mr. Brown was afforded ample opportunity to address these serious concerns. You can find the Dispute Resolution Appeals Committee’s (DRAC) ruling on the process that led LEOC to disqualify Mr. Brown here: 

“We take the integrity of our leadership election process seriously.  We will continue to make decisions according to the rules of the race and in the spirit of fairness.  We will continue to use all appropriate tools, as may be required, in protecting the integrity and reputation of the Conservative Party of Canada and of this leadership selection process.” 

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