RCMP documents show Justin Trudeau may have violated the Criminal Code

RCMP documents show Justin Trudeau may have violated the Criminal Code

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Conservatives recently received documents from the RCMP concerning the handling of the Ethics Commissioner’s Trudeau Report (Justin Trudeau’s vacation to the Aga Khan’s island in 2016), the Hon. Peter Kent’s 2019 criminal complaint, and Michael Barrett’s 2020 complaint to the RCMP Civilian Complaints Commission about the handling of Mr. Kent’s letter.

The new documents include the RCMP’s own analysis of potential criminality under section 121(1)(c) of the Criminal Code of Canada, exposed by the Ethics Commissioner’s report.

According to the documents, the RCMP concluded that the case has largely been made for an offence of fraud against the government by Mr. Trudeau.

The following chart in the RCMP’s analysis shows that there was only one outstanding question between a determination of guilty or not guilty of fraud on the government.

However, because the RCMP did not have the answer to the question, “did Mr. Trudeau have the consent in writing of the head of the branch of government for whom he worked,” the RCMP decided it was “not in the public interest” to pursue a criminal investigation.

Today in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister confirmed he never received written permission to receive a $215,000 gift from an applicant engaged in lobbying the government. The Prime Minister has not been interviewed by the RCMP to answer this question.

Conservatives will continue to pursue answers in this case. Justin Trudeau must agree to sit down with the RCMP, answer their questions, and allow them to conduct a full investigation

The Prime Minister’s answer to the question can be seen here.

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