MP Steinley responds to Minister of Economic Development

April 12, 2021


Ottawa, ON – Warren Steinley, Shadow Minister for Economic Development and Internal Trade released the following statement responding to an editorial written, by Melanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, stating that the ‘Tories were playing political games’:

“The arrogance of this Minister and the entire Liberal Cabinet is out of control. Between their stalling tactics and refusal to show up to Committee Meetings, they simply have little or no respect for the parliamentary process.

“It is pretty rich for the Minister to state that we are holding up legislation, when they actually shut down Parliament which resulted in wiping out pre-pandemic pieces of legislation. Even when the Opposition brings up reasonable points to improve legislation, it is treated as political gamesmanship.

“We agree that there has to be help for businesses across Canada, where we disagree is how to achieve that mandate. We need a safe plan to re-open the economy, a plan to open the borders, and ways to keep the supply chain moving.

“There has been an unprecedented accountability lapse by not tabling a budget in over 2 years. Furthermore, the national and provincial debt could surpass 94 per cent in the near future, and go over 100 per cent by 2030. Repayment will affect Canada’s borrowing costs and lead to increased costs for Canadians.

“The Conservative Recovery Plan will secure the future for all Canadians, and not just Liberal insiders.”


For more information:

Warren Steinley, M.P.


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