MP Steinley: Regina Control Tower Here to Stay!

MP Steinley: Regina Control Tower Here to Stay!

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April 15, 2021                                                                                  

For Immediate Release

MP Steinley: Regina Control Tower Here to Stay!

Ottawa – Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament for Regina-Lewvan was thrilled today with NAV Canada’s announcement that Regina’s airport control tower will not be closed.

“This is a huge win for the people of Regina who deserve the same level of crucial air navigation services as other communities across Canada,” said Steinley.

“For me personally, this was a project that we couldn’t let fail. From repeated questions to Transport Minister’s Garneau and then Alghabra in Parliament, to briefings with the senior officials in the Minister of Economic Development and Minister of Transport offices, and the presentation of two local petitions, all this effort has paid off,” stated Steinley.

“I would like to thank the thousands of constituents who signed our petition calling for the control tower to remain. With this solid support the Liberal government heard loud and clear the importance of maintaining the level of service provided by the aviation industry,” said Steinley.

“It goes without saying that the capital of our Province deserves nothing less than a fully operational airport and for the Liberals to even challenge this lifeline was appalling. It is a good day for everyone in Saskatchewan, ” said Steinley.

“Thank you to my Conservative colleagues Hon. Andrew Scheer and Michael Kram in Regina that worked tirelessly on this file.”


For more information:

Warren Steinley, MP


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