MP Small tables legislation to improve sustainability of fish stocks

MP Small tables legislation to improve sustainability of fish stocks

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Ottawa, ON — Today, Clifford Small, Conservative Member of Parliament for Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame, introduced Bill C-251, the Federal Framework on the Conservation of Fish Stocks and management of Pinnipeds Act, to promote the sustainability of Canada’s fish stocks.

Bill C-251 will ensure that conservation and protection of marine ecosystems are built into a new federal framework while opening the door for businesses and Indigenous communities to sell and trade pinniped products.

The Conservative Party of Canada supports a framework to provide business owners, harvesters, and Indigenous groups with guidance and predictability regarding the impact of pinniped populations on fish stocks.

“Healthy marine stocks ensure a vibrant fisheries economy, and the long-term sustainability of ecosystems and food chains in the ocean,” said M.P. Small. “For too long, Canadians whose livelihoods depend on healthy fish stocks, have witnessed the failure of conservation measures to ensure the sustainability of those stocks.” “This legislation will provide an evidence-based framework to improve marine conservation and ensure the health of marine ecosystems that so many livelihoods on all coasts depend on,” concluded Small.

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