Liberals Will Never Bring Home Competition and Affordable Cellphone Rates

Liberals Will Never Bring Home Competition and Affordable Cellphone Rates

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Ottawa, ON – Ryan Williams, Conservative Shadow Minister for Pan-Canadian Trade and Competition, and Rick Perkins, Conservative Shadow Minister for Innovation, Science, and Industry, issued the following statement in response to the approval of the Rogers/Shaw merger by Liberal Minister François-Philippe Champagne: 

“After eight years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are paying the highest cellphone bills in the world. This is all as a result of Justin Trudeau’s failure to promote competition in our wireless marketplace. 

“Liberal Minister Champagne’s announcement today is a bad deal for Canadians. His approval of this merger will not increase competition, and it will leave Canadians with fewer choices, poorer service and bigger bills.  

“Conservatives demanded that the decision be delayed until the CRTC could rule on the Teksavvy complaint of unfair wholesale access to Videotron from Rogers, but the Liberals have reversed themselves yet again. On December 3, 2022, Minister Champagne stated that he would rule on the deal “only after there is clarity in the ongoing legal process.” The CRTC is considering an appeal by Teksavvy that this transaction violates the Telecommunications Act, which prohibits one carrier from giving preferential rates, not available to all other carriers, to access its network. But this process is not yet concluded, and the Liberals still decided to give Canadians less choice and less affordable prices. 

“Conservatives know that more competition in a market creates innovation, allowing more companies to participate in the market and that innovation leads to lower prices and better service for consumers. The only way to reduce fees and bills for Canadians is through a wireless market with real competition. Conservatives will bring home affordability for Canadians.” 

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