Liberals Vote To Expand Assisted Suicide To Canadians With Mental Illness

Liberals Vote To Expand Assisted Suicide To Canadians With Mental Illness

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Ottawa, ON – Ed Fast, Conservative Member of Parliament for Abbotsford, released the following statement after the Liberals voted against his motion to stop the expansion of assisted suicide to Canadians with mental illness:

“After 8 years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are struggling with a rapidly deteriorating quality of life. Many Canadians have to deal with the immense stress of not knowing how they are going to pay their rent or put food on the table every month.  

“Despite this, Justin Trudeau continues to push aggressively to expand MAID to those suffering from mental illness. Experts have been clear that MAID for mental illness cannot be implemented safely and the heads of psychiatry at all of Canada’s 17 medical schools called for a delay to the Liberals’ deeply flawed MAID legislation that will expand eligibility to those with mental disorders. It is impossible to determine that an individual’s mental illness will never respond to treatment.

“Conservatives do not believe that MAID is an acceptable solution to mental illness and psychological suffering.

“Supported by my fellow Conservatives, I introduced legislation to stop the expansion of medical assistance in dying to Canadians suffering from mental illness where mental illness is the only condition.

“Unfortunately, the vast majority of Liberal Members of Parliament, chose to abandon Canadians with mental illness to gain favour with Justin Trudeau.

“Despite our disappointment in the Liberals’ disregard for people suffering with mental illness, Conservatives will continue to fight for those who are left behind by this legislation, and we will not support the expansion of MAID to include mental illness.

“We will put people back in control of their lives, enabling them to lead good and decent lives. This is why we will never give up on anyone. Conservatives will stand on the side of the most vulnerable and their loved ones.”

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