Liberals Back Down from Power Grab

Liberals Back Down from Power Grab

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The Honourable Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives
and of the Official Opposition, issued the following statement:
“Since the beginning of this crisis, Conservatives have been focused on
Canadians and getting them the support they desperately need.  We
recognize that these are unprecedented times and that urgent action is
needed.  Almost a million Canadians have already been laid off, stores and
restaurants have been told to close their doors, and Canadians have been told
to stay at home.  We also know that this crisis has hit our economy hard
and that the months to come will be difficult.
“That is why Conservatives have been flexible in our approach, while also
continuing to ensure government oversight.
“When we agreed to the extraordinary suspension of Parliament, Conservatives
insisted that the government be subject to substantial accountability measures
including that the Auditor General would audit any new spending, that
parliamentary committees would be able to review all of that spending when
Parliament resumes, that parliamentary committees could be recalled at any
time, and that the government must immediately inform the Opposition of any
spending and make it public within seven days.
“We also agreed to bring back the House of Commons this week with only a small
number of Members present.  We were prepared to quickly pass the measures
that the Prime Minister had announced to date.  What we were not prepared
for was the government’s attempted undemocratic power grab.
“The Liberals shamefully tried to use a public health crisis to give themselves
the powers to raise taxes, debt and spending without parliamentary approval
until January 1, 2022.  But after hours of negotiation, the government has
backed down.
“Conservatives have secured the following concessions: 

  • We demanded that the government remove the section that would have allowed them to raise taxes without parliamentary approval.  They agreed.
  • We demanded that the government walk back their unlimited spending powers and that special warrants expire on June 23, 2020 instead of September 30, 2020. They agreed.
  • We demanded that the government include explicit reference to putting taxpayers’ rights first. They agreed.
  • We demanded that the government put sunset clauses in their legislation.  They agreed.
  • We demanded that the government be accountable to Parliament through regular reports to the House of Commons Health and Finance committees and that the Finance Committee have the right to recall Parliament if we identify any abuses. They agreed.

“Our effective Opposition has also gotten the government to reverse course on
other policies.

“Conservatives called for stronger action to protect our borders and the
government responded.  We asked about the impact of the border closure on
the temporary foreign worker and seasonal agricultural worker programs and the
government made exemptions.  We called on the government to stop the flow
of illegal border crossers into Canada, particularly at Roxham Road, and the
government listened.

“We will continue to use all of the tools available to us to hold the
government to account.  And we will continue to use our strengthened
Opposition to ask tough questions on behalf of Canadians and put forward
constructive solutions to ensure that no one falls through the cracks.”

The post Liberals Back Down from Power Grab appeared first on Canada's Official Opposition.

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