Liberal-NDP Coalition defeat Conservative bill to ‘End the Revolving Door’

Liberal-NDP Coalition defeat Conservative bill to ‘End the Revolving Door’

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OTTAWA, ON – Private Member’s Bill C-283 the End the Revolving Door Act, introduced by Tracy Gray, Conservative Member of Parliament for Kelowna-Lake Country, was defeated by the Liberal-NDP coalition at second reading.

After 8 years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are suffering. This government has unleashed a crime wave on Canada, made worse by the Liberal revolving door bail system. Additionally, the Liberal-NDP approach to addictions has put more drugs on our streets, leading to more addictions, deaths, and despair.

Since Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister, violent crime has increased by 32 percent, and gang-related killings have nearly doubled. Across the country, Canadians are increasingly falling victim to random acts of violence on our streets and on our transit systems. We have also seen a shocking rise in opioid-related deaths and addictions in Canada. 32,000 Canadians have died from opioid-related deaths, and 33,000 more have been hospitalized related to opioid use since 2016.

“Canadians are suffering, and everything feels broken. Conservatives brought forward a solution that would offer an important tool to help reduce recidivism, address our mental health and addiction crisis, provide hope for those struggling with addiction, and improve the public safety of our communities,” said MP Gray.

This legislation sought to expand the sentencing options available in our justice system and assist those whose lives have been ravaged by addiction. This law would include a mental health assessment and allow the Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada to designate all or a part of a federal penitentiary as an addiction treatment and recovery facility offering curative treatment.

“The Liberals and their NDP coalition partners voting against this legislation shows that they will continue to focus on their failed approach that leaves addicts trapped in their addictions and our streets less safe,” said MP Gray.

“Conservatives are focused on turning hurt into hope by presenting common-sense solutions to address the addictions crisis facing our communities and the revolving door in our justice system. Sadly, the Liberals and their NDP coalition partners would rather continue down the failed path of hurt they have created instead of working with Conservatives to solve it. We will not give up on Canadians. We will continue to fight for safer streets and a path to life and recovery for Canadians struggling with addiction.”

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