Liberal Ministers refuse to be accountable

Liberal Ministers refuse to be accountable

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Ottawa, ON – Today, Stephanie Kusie, Conservative Shadow Minister for Employment Future Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA), released the following statement in response to Liberal Ministers refusing to appear at HUMA:

“In yet another attempt by this NDP-Liberal government to avoid accountability, the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, and the Minister of Labour, are refusing to appear at HUMA today to answer questions about the government’s Budget Implementation Act.

“Members of the committee have been informed that Minister Qualtrough and Minister O’Regan ignored the committee’s invitation, despite being provided with an invitation well in advance of today’s meeting.

“The HUMA committee has been tasked by the Finance committee to study the relevant parts of the Budget Implementation Act, but the refusal of Ministers Qualtrough and O’Regan to take part in these hearings makes it impossible for the committee to do its due diligence. This is after the Liberals already tried to reduce the number of meetings to study this important legislation down to one.

“Once again, the NDP-Liberal government are blocking answers by refusing to be open and transparent.

“Conservatives will continue to fight for accountability, we will stand up for Canadians who are not getting answers from this government, and we will use every means available to scrutinize and study laws passing through Parliament.”

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