Liberal firearm registry does not stop gun violence and fails victims

Liberal firearm registry does not stop gun violence and fails victims

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Ottawa, ON — Raquel Dancho, Conservative Shadow Minister for Public Safety, the Hon. Rob Moore, Conservative Shadow Minister for Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and Pierre Paul-Hus, Conservative Shadow Minister for Public Services and Procurement, released the following statement following the Liberal government’s announcement of a firearms registry:

“Today, the Liberal government re-introduced the 20-year-old long-gun registry boondoggle that failed to address gun violence then and will fail to address gun violence now.

“Canadians are being sold a false bill of goods by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government that shows they care more about playing politics than they do about real outcomes that improve public safety for all Canadians.

“Justin Trudeau said he would never enact a long gun registry and today he is breaking that promise to Canadians by passing off the responsibility to maintain a registry to retailers who sell firearms to lawful and properly licensed Canadians.

“The reality is, the vast majority of gun crimes are committed with illegally obtained firearms and Trudeau’s firearm registry does absolutely nothing to stop the flow of illegally acquired guns ending up in the hands of gangs and criminals.  

“Instead of getting tough on gun crime, the Liberals are instead passing Bill C-5 to take away required jail time for major firearms offenses; including the possession, trafficking, and use of illegal firearms with the intent to cause harm. The Liberals also defeated Bill C-238, a Conservative bill that would have imposed tougher sentences for criminals smuggling firearms or who are found in possession of illegal firearms.

“The Trudeau Liberals are not serious about stopping dangerous criminals from getting their hands on illegal guns and they are not serious about making our streets safer.

“They only care about wedging and dividing Canadians.

“Conservatives believe the government should focus on supporting grassroots community organisations that prevent our youth from joining gangs in the first place, and invest in CBSA and police anti-gang and gun units to provide law enforcement with the resources they need to stop illegal firearm smuggling and gun violence at its root.

“Conservatives have, and will always, support common-sense firearms policies that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. We continue to call on the Trudeau Liberal government to ensure that Canada’s firearms legislation is based on evidence and outcomes, not on ideology, and respects the rights of lawful Canadians.” 

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