Just The Facts: Environment Commissioner Confirms Trudeau Carbon Tax Has Failed

Just The Facts: Environment Commissioner Confirms Trudeau Carbon Tax Has Failed

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Ottawa, ON – This morning, Canada’s Environment Commissioner has made it clear once again that Canada will not meet its climate targets, despite the Liberals’ punitive taxes on Canadians.

The reality is that many Canadians simply cannot bike or take the train everywhere, as Minister Freeland told them to, and that this tax simply takes more money out of Canadians’ pockets during a time when life has never been more expensive.

The Liberals acknowledged the pain their punitive taxes are causing when they offered Atlantic Canadians a pause until after the next election but have told the rest of the country they aren’t important enough to the Liberals’ political math to get similar relief this winter.

The Government isn’t bothering to set implementation deadlines for 49% of their measures. They have also admitted that only 43% of their so-called “climate measures,” many of which are actually just taxation measures, will have any direct impact on emissions. The Government’s plan didn’t even bother to include a target or expected emission reductions for 95% of its measures.

They know their punitive plan won’t accomplish anything, and the Environment Commissioner’s report shows they haven’t done their homework on how this will affect Canadians. Commissioner DeMarco went so far as to say, “we expected that the plan would identify which groups would be disproportionately affected by the plan, which measures would mitigate those effects, and which process would assess if those measures are working. However, federal organizations lacked a comprehensive set of performance indicators and the disaggregated data (that is, separate data on affected groups) needed to understand the plan’s effects on specific groups.” This Government is not worth the cost. Only common-sense Conservatives will keep the heat on and take the tax off to bring home lower prices for all Canadians.

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