Conservatives Send Letter to Minister Freeland on CUSMA

Conservatives Send Letter to Minister Freeland on CUSMA

Warren Steinley profile picture

Conservative members on the Standing Committee on International Trade sent a
letter to Deputy Prime Minister Freeland regarding the new NAFTA legislation.
The letter outlines the many shortcomings of the Liberals’ CUSMA deal, as
identified by witnesses who testified before the committee.

“While Conservatives have been clear that we will support the new NAFTA’s swift
passage, this new trade deal is in many respects worse for Canada than the
original NAFTA with significant adverse consequences for Canadian economy,”
said MP Hoback. “Conservatives heard from a number of sectors that will be
negatively impacted by CUSMA and it is important that the Deputy Prime Minister
is aware of these negative impacts so that the government can work to mitigate

Conservatives also outlined how the Trudeau Liberals have failed to work with
the Official Opposition in order to pass the new NAFTA deal expeditiously
through the House of Commons.

“Canada’s Conservatives have offered repeatedly to expedite the new NAFTA deal
in order to ensure swift ratification, but at every stage the Liberals have
chosen to play politics,” said MP Hoback. “The letter outlines a number of
instances where the Trudeau Liberals had an opportunity to speed up the NAFTA
ratification process – but failed to do so.”

To read the full letter click here

The post Conservatives Send Letter to Minister Freeland on CUSMA appeared first on Canada's Official Opposition.

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