Conservatives launch online consultations on PMPRB regulatory changes

Conservatives launch online consultations on PMPRB regulatory changes

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Matt Jeneroux, Shadow Minister for Health, today launched online consultations to gather feedback from Canadians on the government’s Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) regulatory changes.

After months of Conservatives advocating on behalf of Canadians, the Trudeau government has delayed their July 1st regulatory changes until January 1, 2021.  These changes set aggressive price ceilings for some new therapies, especially those involving rare disorders, making it almost guaranteed that these new therapies will not be brought to the Canadian market.

“The six-month delay gives us an opportunity to gather additional feedback from patients, stakeholder groups, and concerned Canadians,” said Jeneroux, the Member of Parliament for Edmonton Riverbend.

“We’ve heard time and time again that many didn’t feel they were adequately consulted. This is a real opportunity to ensure that the PMPRB regulatory changes accurately reflect patients’ needs and will not deter new medications from being introduced to the Canadian market.”

Since October 2019, more than 25 new medicines have been launched in the United States but none of them have been submitted to Health Canada for approval due to the uncertainty of the Liberals’ regulatory changes.

After gathering feedback over the summer, MP Jeneroux will produce a comprehensive report from his findings and present it to the Health Minister.

“This is our way to ensure the Liberal government is actively listening to Canadians and putting patients first,” said MP Jeneroux.

Those wishing to give feedback can visit and fill out the feedback form, which will be available until September 4, 2020.

The post Conservatives launch online consultations on PMPRB regulatory changes appeared first on Canada's Official Opposition.

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