Conservatives confirm final list of Approved Applicants for Leadership

Conservatives confirm final list of Approved Applicants for Leadership

Warren Steinley profile picture

The Conservative Party has confirmed the final
list of Approved Applicants for the 2020 Leadership election. Those that have
met at least the first requirement of the Leadership race are:

  • Gladu, Marilyn
  • Husny, Rudy
  • Karahalios, Jim
  • Lewis, Leslyn
  • MacKay, Peter (also a Verified Candidate)
  • O’Toole, Erin (also an Authorized Contestant)
  • Peterson, Rick
  • Sloan, Derek

Approved Applicants have submitted $25,000 of the $200,000 registration fee required, and 1,000 membership signatures of endorsement of the 3,000 required. Authorized Contestants have submitted a further $25,000 of the $200,000 registration fee, the entire $100,000 compliance deposit, and a further 1,000 membership signatures of endorsement of the 3,000 required. Verified Candidates have submitted all requirements.

All Approved Applicants and Authorized Contestants will have until March 25th at 5PM ET to submit the full requirements of the Leadership race – $200,000 registration fee, $100,000 compliance deposit, 3,000 membership signatures of endorsement. Only those that have submitted the full requirements by March 25th will become Verified Candidates and appear on the leadership ballot.

Canadians who wish to vote in the Conservative Party leadership election have until April 17th, 2020 to purchase a membership. Only members of the party as of April 17th will be eligible to vote in the Conservative leadership election.

The final day of the Conservative Party Leadership is June 27th and the winner will be announced in Toronto.

The rules and other details for the Conservative Leadership can be found here.

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