Conservatives Call on Trudeau Liberals to Provide Arms to Ukraine

Conservatives Call on Trudeau Liberals to Provide Arms to Ukraine

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Leona Alleslev, Deputy Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, and James Bezan, Shadow Minister for National Defence, released the following statement calling on the Trudeau Liberals to use Minister Champagne’s trip to Ukraine to confirm the federal government will provide additional military support:

“Canada’s Conservatives have repeatedly called on the Trudeau government to provide lethal defensive weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. As Ukraine’s sovereignty continues to be threatened, Conservatives believe that the duty to support and protect free and sovereign people should not diminish with time.

“Despite the fact that ten million dollars’ worth of arms, originally promised to the Kurdish Peshmerga, have been sitting in warehouses unused for the past three years, the Liberals have ignored repeated requests from Ukraine for additional military support.

“Trudeau’s refusal to increase support to Ukraine in their war against Russian aggression is just another example of the Prime Minister’s weak leadership on the international stage.

“The Trudeau Liberals must also restore the practice of providing RADARSAT imagery to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in order to assist them in the defence of their borders, citizens and sovereignty against Putin’s proxy militia.

“Canada’s Conservatives will continue to support Ukraine in their fight for territorial integrity and sovereignty and call out the weak leadership of Justin Trudeau when he fails to do so.”

The post Conservatives Call on Trudeau Liberals to Provide Arms to Ukraine appeared first on Canada's Official Opposition.

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