Conservative Party of Canada Finalizes Voter List for 2022 Leadership Race

Conservative Party of Canada Finalizes Voter List for 2022 Leadership Race

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Party shatters Canadian records for political party membership; all regions see significant growth

Ottawa (July 29, 2022) – The Conservative Party of Canada has released the final voters list to leadership campaigns, with 678,708 eligible party members who will be selecting the next party leader.  This makes the Conservative Party the largest party in Canadian history by membership.

Process and Background

Members of the public were able to join the party by June 3rd, in order to be eligible to vote in the contest.  A preliminary list of approximately 675,000 members was distributed to leadership campaigns on June 30th for review, initiating a challenge period.  An updated list was provided on July 18th.  This list represents the final list, and is no longer subject to appeal.  The final list is larger than the preliminary, as virtually all non-compliant memberships were screened out by the party prior to circulation of the preliminary voters list, whereas campaigns had an opportunity to challenge some exclusions by providing additional information on new members – such as missing contact information – that would make them eligible to receive a ballot.

Balloting is by mail, with members ranking candidates by preference.  As candidates drop off the ballot, their second-choices are redistributed to remaining candidates until one candidate surpasses 50% + 1 points.  Points are allocated according to electoral district, with each electoral district representing 100 points.  Points from each riding represent the proportional support for candidates in that electoral district at each tabulation.

Members may return their ballots anytime; to be counted, they must be received by September 6th.  Ballots are received and registered by Deloitte, which is serving as validator of the vote.  Campaigns in turn scrutinize the validation and processing of ballots at the Ballot Processing Centre in Ottawa.  To date, the party has received approximately 80,000 ballots back from members.

Ballots will be counted and tabulated on September 10th with results announced at an event in Ottawa.

Quick Facts

  • The greatest proportional growth was in Quebec, with party membership surging over 750%
  • The final Voters List consists of 678,708 members across the country
  • Party membership has quadrupled from 169,705 at year-end 2021
  • Current membership is higher than the last two leadership race years – 2020 and 2017 – combined
  • Membership has at least doubled in every province and territory
  • The most significant growth, by percentage, in Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, British Columbia and New Brunswick
  • Approximately 80,000 ballots have been returned to Deloitte for registration and verification
  • 2.5% of eligible voters in Canada are currently members of the Conservative Party


  • “This massive surge in membership demonstrates the excitement generated by this leadership race, and the momentum for a change of government in Ottawa.” – Robert Batherson, President of the Conservative Party of Canada
  • “This astronomical growth in Quebec is a clear sign of our party’s resurgence. Quebeckers are increasingly seeing a home in the Conservative Party, excited to be part of our movement that will form a principled government after the next election.” – Valérie Assouline, Vice President of the Conservative Party of Canada; Vice-Chair of LEOC

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