
Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole calls for relocation of 2022 Olympic Games

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole calls for relocation of 2022 Olympic Games

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Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Erin O’Toole, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and the Official Opposition, issued the following statement calling on Justin Trudeau to seek the relocation of the 2022 Olympic Games from China:

“Today, I call on Justin Trudeau to actively seek the relocation of the 2022 Olympic Games. Canada should not be sending athletes to China in the middle of a genocide.

“Canada has long been a world leader in standing up for human rights and dignity. But today, we have become a nation of silence, not one of principled action.

“I think Canadians would agree that it would violate fundamental ethical principles to participate in an Olympic Games hosted by a country that is committing a genocide against part of its population.

“The Olympic Games and the athletes who compete in them have and will inspire the next generation – and they must continue to provide such inspiration.
“But not in China, in the shadow of a genocide.”


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