Andrew Scheer Statement on NATO Leaders Meeting

Andrew Scheer Statement on NATO Leaders Meeting

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The Honourable Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and the Official Opposition, issued this statement ahead the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Leaders Meeting today in London, United Kingdom:

Since 1949, Canada has been a committed member of NATO. We have stood shoulder to shoulder with our allies in Europe and the United States to oppose tyranny and protect democracy around the world. Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau’s diplomatic failures and poor judgement in the last four years have diminished Canada’s role in the world.

Now, more than ever, NATO is an essential alliance as Vladimir Putin is showing no signs of ending his illegal occupation of Crimea and of stolen territory in Eastern Ukraine. Russia also represents a clear and present threat to Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic. With the rapidly changing threats facing the world, Justin Trudeau cannot afford to abandon Canada’s duty to stand with our allies.

Justin Trudeau can begin by taking action at home to modernize our military, increase investments to Canada’s national defence, and strengthen our contributions as a reliable partner of NATO.

The world is watching. Under my leadership, Conservatives will continue to hold Justin Trudeau to account and press him to contribute alongside our allies to the collective defence of democratic security and stability.

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