Andrew Scheer Statement on Government’s Proposed Emergency Legislation

Andrew Scheer Statement on Government’s Proposed Emergency Legislation

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The Honourable
Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition,
issued the following statement on the government’s proposed emergency
“Conservatives are focused on getting real help to Canadians. 
“We have been negotiating with the government in good faith and have been clear
that we would act quickly to pass the measures that the Prime Minister has
announced publicly.
“However, there are several aspects of the government’s legislation that are
undemocratic – removing one does not solve the problem.
“There is a simple solution: if the government tables a bill focused on the
relief the Prime Minister has announced to date Conservatives are ready to pass
it quickly.
“Let’s stay focused on getting help to Canadians, not granting the government
unprecedented powers.”

The post Andrew Scheer Statement on Government’s Proposed Emergency Legislation appeared first on Canada's Official Opposition.

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