361 days without a federal ombudsman for victims of crime

361 days without a federal ombudsman for victims of crime

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Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Rob Moore, Shadow Minister for Justice and Attorney General of Canada, released the following statement regarding the long-delayed appointment of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime:

“I want to congratulate Dr. Benjamin Roebuck on his appointment to this critically important office, and I wish him well as he steps into this vital role as the federal advocate for victims of crime.

“Unfortunately, legislation pushed through parliament by this Liberal government over the last year did not undergo any review by a victims ombudsman who is mandated to ensure that the needs of victims are being met and their rights protected.

“The Liberal government waited 361 days to fill the position of Ombudsman for Victims of Crime. Yet when the position of ombudsman for federally sentenced offenders became vacant in 2018, the Liberals filled it the very next day.

“Over the last year Canadians have seen over and over again how the Trudeau Liberals put the rights of criminals ahead of the rights of victims of crime and their families.

“The Liberals’ priorities are completely distorted. Instead of making our communities safer, they are focused on eliminating mandatory jail time for violent repeat offenders. Instead of protecting families who’ve lost loved ones from the cruel cycle of parole hearings every two years, the Liberals decided not to respond to the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to allow serial killers like the Quebec Mosque shooter to apply for parole. Instead of taking action to address widespread issues within the parole system, Liberals are trying to escape accountability by treating the recent tragedy in Saskatchewan as a one-time mistake by the Parole Board of Canada.

“Liberals continually refuse to give the same time and attention to the victims of crime as they do for the perpetrators of crime. Not only have the Liberals dragged their feet on appointing a Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, it’s been over two years since the Victims Bill of Rights has been due for review and this government refuses to act.

“Canadians are losing trust in the justice system. The federal government must do its job, in a timely manner, to support victims of crime and their families.”

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